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Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera
The Start: Christina Aguilera was born on Staten Island, New York and her family later settled in Pittsburgh. By the time she was five, Christina knew all the songs from The Sound of Music and performed them at neighborhood block parties. It wasn't long before Christina Aguilera was performing the National Anthem at professional sporting events in the area.
Big Break:
When Christina Aguilera was 10, she went to an open audition for The Mickey Mouse Club. She didn't make the cut, but two years later Disney invited her back. She got a part and became a Mouseketeer working with now-famous co-stars like Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and JC Chasez (of *NSYNC ) and Keri Russell from Felicity. Christina Aguilera sang, danced and performed her heart out during her two years on the show.
During her Mouseketeer days, Christina Aguilera caught the eye of manager Steve Kurtz, who requested a demo tape to send to RCA exec, Ron Fair. Amazed by her voice and beauty he offered her a record deal when she was 15. As luck would have it, around the same time he received a call from a friend who worked at Disney who was looking for someone to sing Reflection, the lead song in the upcoming animated Mulan flick. His first thought was his new singer Christina Aguilera. She got the gig and the song was eventually nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Original Song in a Motion Picture.
Hit Tunes:
Her first album, Christina Aguilera, spawned the hits Genie in a Bottle, Come on Over and What a Girl Wants. She also had a hit with pink, mya and Lil Kim with the Moulin Rouge song, Lady Marmalade
The catchy tune Dirrty off her latest album, Stripped is also scoring tons of air play.
"For a long time, I'd been uncomfortable with the image that had been built around me and my music. It felt like I was pretending, trying to hide the real me, and hurting inside because of it. This time I was determined to step beyond the hype and glitter."
~ Christina Aguilera on her album, Stripped.